Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Now what?

I know I shouldn't think that my life is on hold right now, and that I'm just waiting for it to start moving again. I should be living in the now, but it's so hard when there's nothing to do because everything you want to do just isn't happening the way you imagined it.

Here's the half of my post-IB list that I haven't completed, compiled when I was drowning in the demoralization of facing ib final exams.

list of things to do after IB

4. get a job teaching literature

5. lose weight

9. photography

11. bake/cook

12. dance lessons

Typed on a yellow sticky note, it's been stuck on my desktop for the longest time. I delete everything I've completed, hence the random numbering, and now I have 5 things left to finish or get started on. Dance lessons start in march, tutoring when the agencies get back to me and losing the weight is an ongoing process (though it doesn't actually seem to go anywhere). Til then, I'm here on my laptop watching my crime shows, reading random novels I find lying around the house and watching my friends abandon their lives for NS one by one.