Sunday, August 30, 2009

“What defines a best friend? What are the requirements to be a good best friend? How many hours a week does it entail? Stupid questions that have no answers. A best friend is not defined by how many times they talk on the phone, or how many hours they hang out together. It is not defined by how many sleepovers they gossip at, or how many inside jokes they have. There are no requirements or laws that state that a good best friend must hang out with them every weekend, or tell each other every little detail. A best friend is a matter of opinion. It is the person who has been there for you through everything, not just through the fun things, or the little things. It is the person that you call when you are at your absolute worst, it is the person who saves you when you didn’t even notice that you needed saving, mostly it is the person who accepts you for who you are, and the person that you are becoming”

Friday, August 14, 2009

everyone's going through it, so suck it up and don't you dare break down.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

People are getting lazier and lazier. We started out with blogs - xanga, blogspot, wordpress. Our thoughts and feelings were actually written in articulate sentences and yes, even paragraphs. Then facebook comes along and we're happily uploading pictures and videos and commenting on everyone else's lives. Suddenly twitter pops up with its big blank box and 139 word limit. All we need to do is type one liners and press enter. What next? Everybody is migrating to tumblr - ah, the ease of the "reblog" button. No brain power or personality input required at all. Although, that's not to say I'm an exception to the laze craze. I completely approve of the convenience it brings.

Byebye blogspot. Hello tumblr :)